Division by zero is the pay-dirt of factorisation problems.
Most numbers have few factors, but most people shout N! or N
factorial is heavy in factors. Hardy said that most numbers have a
small number of factors and this seems true. A large number with
hundreds of digits is an enormous challenge. Many take months of
computer work to get a factorisation. Seconds of computer work can
eliminate factors such as 2 or 3, but there becomes a point when you
want to go beyond factors that can be obtained from pre-determined
lists. Factorisation is like trying to chip a diamond to dust with
finger nails. It may eventually be done, but no one bothers.
Factorisation is fashionable after the RSA (Rivest Shamir Adelman)
method of encryption was proposed in the 1980s. They chose a number N
and pass around values y=x^k (mod N). The message recipients do a
similar operation z=y^h (mod N) and 'Lo and behold !' z is the
plaintext message. Here h and k are chosen so that hk = 1 mod phi(N)
where phi is the Euler totient function of N or the size of the set of
numbers less than N which are relatively prime to N. RSA wncryption
depends on the fact that there is no quick way to calculate phi(N) for
large N. Large N means something like 10^300 .. or numbers with
hundreds but not yet thousands of digits.
Tim Radford, the Guardian's science editor covered the 2004 meeting
of the British Association, in Exeter. The piece started off with the
headline 'Maths holy grail could bring disaster for internet', and went
on to describe the opinions of some experts on the status of the Clay
Institute millenium problems. These are:
1. Birch Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.
2. Poincare conjecture.
3. Navier Stokes equation.
4. P vs NP problem.
5. Riemann hypothesis.
6. Hodge conjecture.
7. Yang-Mills and Mass gap.
Each of these problems has a $ million price tag to encourage
research. The RSA challange offers $625000 for much less work. The RSA
challange is more or less equivalent to the P solution to the P verses
NP problem for factorization of large numbers. Essentially they ask
that the computational work for the factorisation of N is bounded by a
polynomial expression in log(N), or the number of digits in N. In turn
this P vs NP problem for factorisation is likely to depend on an
affirmative answer to the Riemann hypothesis (RH).
Ordinary arithmetic operations on k-digit numbers are of order k log
k, or polynomial of order 1+epsilon for however small you wish to make
epsilon. Factorisation by trial division represents 10^(k/2)
operations, so this is an exponential function of k, and therefore the
factorisation problem is NP if you rely on trial division. Even if the
RH is settled, and factorisation is indeed a polynomial time problem,
the RSA challange numbers could remain unfactored for decades. The
theoretical results could end up useless for actual computation.
The Birch Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture concerns algebraic geometry. I
attended Swinnerton-Dyer's course on Galois theory back in 1968. During
that year Swinnerton Dyer negotiated a stand off during the famous
Senate House occupation which pitted anti-Vietnam War demonstrators
against the University authorities. Swinnerton-Dyer was also important
in the development of computational number theory in the early days of
the 1950s and later became famous for his management of the UGC
(University Grants Commission) during the Thatcher era of the 1980s.
A teacher giving a post graduate course in algebraic geometry could
explain this conjecture in a few lectures. It's about curves on
surfaces of two dimensions, represented by (x,y) with F(x,y)=0 for F a
low degree (at most three or four ) polynomial equation. The student
has to take in a large number of tricky definitions before the
conjecture makes sense. You can bluff your way through this one by
talking of the Tate-Shafarevich Group and a mention Wiles proof of
Fermat's Last Theorem. Be careful to state that this is a conjecture
about certain spaces of one dimension embedded into 2-space. These
lines are called elliptic curves. The conjecture concerns the zeta
function of an elliptic curve.
The Poincare conjecture concerns surfaces in three dimensions. It's
a problem of topology. It also goes one dimension up from elliptic
The Navier Stokes equation is connected with fluid mechanics.
The Riemann Hypothesis is the most accesible of these problems. It
can be explained in about half an hour to anyone with a knowledge of
infinite series.
The Hodge conjecture also concerns topology.
The Yang Mills and Mass Gap is a problem of quantum mechanics.
The intergalactic hyperspace delivery company has imposed new rules
to comply with anti-terrorist regulations. Each object is a 1-cube.
Packages of N objects must be convex, and have no internal holes. The
consignment must be broken down into hyperboxes of 1,2,3... dimensions,
and the charge for each box is the maximum dimension. The sender may
break the load into smaller packages if this helps to keep down the
shipping cost.
Work out the optimum cost of mailing a package of N-cubes. The first
few numbers maybe approximated by assuming that you can split the load
in two, then work recursively.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 2 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 5 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 3
Notice that 24=(2^3)*3 so that the customer pays three units to send
a 4-dimensional hypercube. 20 gets its low value of 4 because 20=16+4
and both 16 and 4 are powers of two. The sender can always ship a
series of 2^k dimensional boxes for a cost less than (2 log2(N)) -1.
The methods known in 1994
Continued fraction algorithm,
Class group method,
Quadratic sieve algorithm,
Elliptic curve algorithm,
Number field sieve,
Dixon's random squares algorithm,
Valle's two-thirds algorithm,
Seysen's class group algorithm,
Taken from Mathematics FAQ 1994. Alex Lopez-Ortiz
It is possible to give credence by any naive method which relies on
luck, by calling it a Monte-Carlo method. Methods relying on luck and
intuition are usually given respectability by calling them Baysian
1. Trial division
This defines a search space.
For a number of size N the searchspace is of size sqrt(N).
The searchspace is a random looking set of points.
It's the set {x | n (mod x); x < #sqrt (n) }
With small search spaces bit maps should provide factors.
APL functions.
Z<-(Z>0)/Z<-(0=N #mod X)*X<-1+iN
|Generate prime numbers less than N
Z<-(2=+/y0=N #outer #mod 1+N)/N<-iN
|Extract primes in list
Z<-(2=+/y0=LST #outer #mod LST)/LST
2. Establish absence of factors.
Stop wasting time.
3. Quadratic sieve.
This is really a development of Fermat's method.
Based on the expression N=X^2-Y^2
Search for perfect squares in the set X^2-N
By clever modular arithmetic it should be possible to eliminate
most values of X^2-N without ever having to calculate a square root. In
practice, starting from a given X it should be possible to compute new
values X^2-N by simple additions assuming X goes up in unit steps. This
allows the computation of large mostly zero, binary arrays to eliminate
testing. Despite the ease of filtering the search space, the search
space is much larger than testing up to sqrt(N). The quadratic sieve
may be started at sqrt(p*N) to test for pN=X^2-Y^2. This method works
best with large arrays of mostly zero elements, but it seems slow
compared with trial division.
There are many methods that rely on finding solutions to
x^2=y^2 mod N or x^2-Y^2=kN. Clearly the fastest method would be to
guess a pair of such numbers immediately. Both the continued fraction
method and the quadratic sieve attempt to find small quadradic residues
of N in the hope of building an equation
kN= x^2-y^2 => x^2=y^2 (mod N)
If for example residues x^2 = pq y^2=qr z^2=pr then (xyz)^2= (pqr)^2
and we find a solution s^2=t^2 mod N, and hopefully this gives a non
trivial factorisation. There is much literature on this concept and
there is a long history of splitting this trajectory chasing amongst a
large number of machines. With numbers of the RSA challange size the
search for quadratic residues which can factorize may take almost
4. Trial GCD
The GCD of N and a large number X will nearly always be 1. When it
is not, you get a factor of N, or possibly N itself. The algorithm is:
return (R)
Here RANDOM guesses numbers, and a lucky guess gives either a factor
or the number N itself. Suppose N=pq then the number X could lie on one
of the lines x=pk or x=qk or possibly x=pqk, where k is a positive
5. Curve enumeration
Enumerate points on the hyperbola xy=N. Normally (N,1) and (1,N) are
there, but other points are hard to find. Math proofs of the average
order of functions such as d(n) and phi(n) depend very much on these
arguements. The simplest factor search would look for min {x^2+y^2 | xy
= N} with x, y integer. The smallest values could be as near as x=y=
sqrt N. Fermat's test can tell if the number of points is more than
two, but does not say where these points are.
6. Follow trajectories.
(Z/NZ) is a ring and (Z/NZ)* is a semi-group with unit. It is not a
group, and this is easily verified for composite N. Finding a
particular non invertible element is equivalent to the factorization
problem. The idea is to generate sequences of numbers X so that gcd(X,
N) gives a factorization. The elliptic curve method does a group
addition algorithm many times in order to find a non invertible element
of the semi-group (Z/NZ)*. The group inversions are all those of point
distances in some geometrical structure imposed on Z/NZ.
Pollard's p-1 method is based on this logic. This essentially
iterates the sequence X<-(X^p) #mod N where p runs through a list of
primes and prime powers up to a limit. There is a way of reducing the
number of GCD tests by only checking after a hundred iterations or so,
but it is possible to miss out factors this way.
Pollard's p-1 method depends on the fact that one of the values p-1
where p runs through prime factors of N has a factorisation in terms of
very small primes: in other words p-1 is a round number. If the number
N does not have this property then the method will not work. A more
general method uses properties of elliptic curves.
An elliptic curve is defined by an equation such as
Y^2=X^3+aX+b (mod N).
An elliptic curve over N is the set
EC={ (x,y) | y^2=x^3+aX+b (mod N)} U { O=(N,N) }
Here O=(N,N) is the point at infinity.
Given points P=(s,t) and Q=(u,v) it is possible to define a third
point R=P+Q by the chord-tangent process. Draw the line through P,Q to
meet the curve in a third point R'. Draw a vertical line through R' to
intersect the curve at its reflection about the X axis at the point R.
This operation is commutative and associative: to add together points
X,Y and Z then order in which the points are added does not affect the
result of the calculation.
(X+Y)+Z = X+(Y+Z)=(X+Z)+Y
Proof of this fact is not trivial.
If you prove that points on the curve can be paramaterized by values
of the Weirstrass P-function (pronounced pay) then associativity is a
trivial consequence, but this depends on algebra and analysis that took
about 80 years to get worked out.
Given points P=(s,t) and Q=(u,v) the coordinates of the point
R=(x,y) which is equal to P+Q may be calculated by the following
Firstly if s-u is none zero define theta=(t-v)/(s-u)
Then x = theta^2 -(s+u)
y' is defined by (y'-t)/(x-s) = theta
y' = t + theta*(x-s)
y = -y' = -t - theta*(x-s)
Secondly if s-u and v-t are both zero, then point addition gives
R=P+P = [2]P. In this case the value theta is the slope of the tangent
to the curve at P=(s,t). theta = (a+3s^2)/2t.
x = theta^2- 2s; y'= t+theta*(x-s) and y= -t-theta*(x-s).
All calculations are done modulo N. Expressions such as a/b are
converted to values modulo N by finding the number b' such that bb' = 1
(mod N) then replacing a/b by a*b' (mod N). b', the multiplicative
inverse of b mod N is found by an process known as the Euclidian
algorithm. If N is composite then there are some values for which the
inversion process fails. These numbers are multiples of a factor of N.
In case N=pq is the product of two prime factors then there are p+q
such points. Division by zero is pay-dirt in factorisation challanges.
In the case that P and Q have equal values for x, i.e. s-u=0, but
the y values are distinct i.e. t+v=0, then we say the vertical line
meets the curve at infinity (O), and P+Q=O.
For a given number N it is easy to construct an elliptic curve EC
passing through any pair of points P,Q in (Z/NZ)x(Z/NZ). The set of
points O,P,P+P,P+P+P, ... etc. forms the orbit of the point P in EC.
For convenience the sum P+P...+P taken m times is written [m]P.
Point multiplication starts off as a dynamic system on
(Z/NZ)x(Z/NZ). Elliptic curves introduce an extra point at infinity.
For any point a on the curve E the mapping F(x) = x+a is a function
which is complicated enough to be used in cryptography. The easy to
write function in fact gives a set of points which jump all over the
box [0,N-1]x[0,N-1].
Elliptic curve works as follows. Select elliptic curves over Z/NZ
then work out the values [m]P for a point P on the curve with a
specially selected value m. If calculation of [m]P requires a division
by zero somewhere along the line, then a factor has been found. In most
cases the calculation will proceed without a hitch, so it is necessary
to chose a new curve and a new point to restart the calculation.
In practice this method much tuning in order to avoid intolerably
sluggish performance.
A function long studied by mathematicians is the bilinear
transformation T(Z)<- (AZ+B)/CZ+D. This can be used for factorisation.
The arithmetic is simpler than the elliptic curve method. Given a non
zero point Z[0] in Z/NZ and a 2x2 matrix
T = |A B| with AB-CD non zero then
|C D| it is possible to define the orbit of
Z[0] under T by the rule
Z[n+1] = (A*Z[n]+B)/C*Z[n]+D)
This could be called the 'blit' method of factorisation and it is
undoubtedly well known. Because the successive powers of the matrix T
may be computed by a squaring and multiplication method it should be
possible to compute T^m * Z[0] for large values of m with only order
K*log(m) operations. Whether this increases the likelyhood of finding
divisors of zero is another question.
In practice the blit method with short orbits (less than 100) seems
more effective than the elliptic curve method in finding small
Special choices of the matrix M give lucas sequences.
(X[n+1], Y[n+1]) <- M * (X[n],Y[n])
The fractal curve trajectory z<-z^2+c is used in Pollard's rho
method of factorisation. This gives a very simple method of finding
large factors of a number. The Pollard Rho method was invented in the
1980s, and the idea is extremely clever. The running time is of order
sqrt(p) where p is a factor of the composite number N. Getting the
formula from a book [1] took some time. The local library eventually
provided an inter library loan. For RSAC numbers with from 200-700
digits the effort would still require 10^50 - 10^200 steps.
The method is called the rho method because it looks at a trajectory
of points and seeks a place where the trajectory degenerates into a
closed loop, visiting a set of points in sequence.
| |
| | x3=x15
| 89 |
| 7 10 | The trajectory x1,x2,x3...
| 6 11 | looks like the greek letter
| 5 12 | rho.
| 4 13 |
| 314 |
| 2 |
| 1 |
Z<-P_FACTOR STR;CNT;A;N;Q;QV;SEED;T;X;Y |Pollard's rho-method. |See
Reisel [2] pp 180-181 CNT<-12000 & A<-SEED<-"" & QV<-0 N<-"-cnt
0=rA; A<-YRAND N IF 0=rSEED; SEED<-YRAND N Q<-"1" & X<-Y<-SEED & Z<-N
WHILE 00 |Q<-"1" WEND
Z<-A EA B;C;D;R |Euclidean algorithm with A>B R<-A #mod B & D<-B WHILE
~R #equiv "0"; C<-D & D<-R & R<-C #mod D & WEND Z<-D
Z<-YRAND X;N |Long random 0<=ZN<-rX; Z<-z ? #fi X & ->0 Z<-(z ?
#fi 5tX),"0123456789"[?(N-5)r10]
Z<-X YMOD M |Modulus function including negative X IF "-" #ne 1tX; Z<-X
#mod M & ->0 Z<-M-("0"-X) #mod M
6. Analytic expression.
The number theoretic functions phi(N) and sigma(N) have well known
generating functions. The values of these number theoretic functions
can be extracted by contour integration. Numerical integration
techniques could give a method of evaluating these functions. In
practice these integration techniques would be rather flakey and depend
very much on guesswork. People call this stuff a 'Monte Carlo Method'.
There are also options of finding really rapid evaluations of
numbers such as the 2^n binomial coefficient (mod N) for really high
values of n in time polynomial in n. These can be resolved as integrals
of (large) powers of trignometrical functions.
7. Summary
The Rho method was the first breakthrough in hundreds of years. Many
methods have been adapted to factorising numbers of distinct forms such
as 2^n+-1. The RSA challange numbers are so large that elementary
arithmetic operations are significantly slow.
The Number Field Sieve (NFS) [4] seem most promising of the present
methods because there seems plenty of opportunity to bring in results
from other areas of mathematics. There is plenty of choice. Much of
algebraic number theory was motivated by people looking for a proof of
Fermat's conjecture.
The book by Crandell and Pomerance [3] outlines factorisation
methods to be used by the as yet to be invented quantum computer. In
this area researchers are busy teaching the computer to factorize tough
numbers such as 6 and 15.
[1] Prime Numbers and computer methods for factorisation
(2 nd edition)
Hans Reisel. Pub Berkhauser. Boston 1994
[3] Prime Numbers. A computational Perspective
Crandell & Pomerance
Website devoted to number field sieve.
[5] Maths Holy Grail could bring disaster to internet.
Tim Radford , Guardian 7/9/2004