SUICIDE BOMBERS Photos show smiling women enjoying a celebration. The visit of a big chief was the cause of the celebration. The Tamils, like many, enjoy lavish spectacles. Rajiv Gandhi was blown up by women. They behaved like everyone else right up to the moment of detonation. Suicide bombers are ordinary people. They are low down in the so called infrastructure of terror. The top levels have operational budgets and cash transfers. This is also very ordinary. The Jacobins of 1793 were called terrorists. The so called war on terrorism does not really have a good definition as to who is actually a terrorist. Some suicide bombers may do what they do because they fear torture if they are captured alive. According to Amnesty International dozens of states routinely torture their citizens. Torture is a form of terrorism, but there is no war against torture. Terrorist cells and apocalyptic cults have much in common. The police should watch them all. American and Israeli lawyers have gone on record to advocate the use of torture and strong coercion on prisoners. The British actually did torture suspected I.R.A. internees. These lawyers, by advocating a degree of state terrorism, are part of the problem rather than the solution. Terror is often used to control workers. Slave labour projects are still with us. Burma has projects employing slave labour. Many politicians can get votes by advocating a bit more state terrorism. Even when they don't need votes as in China the authorities try to gain popular support by threatening war over Taiwan. Both USA and Britain sponsor paramilitaries in Columbia as part of the War on Drugs. India and Pakistan can both employ state terror on their enemies by using their nuclear weapons. They have become members of a club. Terror acquires momentum through rhetoric. Terror provokes an equal and opposite reaction. The reaction may be delayed in time. Leading people to war is not good. Past history abounds with people who were once called terrorists who end up running states or becoming part of the government. If Michiavelli were around today then bombing one's way to power would be part of the course, along with the idea of defensive bombing or pre-emptive bombing. KOLA CHELA There is a surbub of Nis in Serbia which takes its name from a suicide bombing effort which became famous in Serbian history and mythology. In the early 1800s when Serbia was not yet quite independent there was a military encounter between Serbian nationalists and Turkish troops nearby. When it appeared that the Turks would overrun the Serbian positions the order was given to detonate all of the munitions and most of the attackers and defenders were killed in a big bang. There are a handful of skulls cemented into a bit of wall to commemorate this event. Most of the skulls originally in the monument had already been stolen by 1989. The Skull Tower is just by a busy bus intersection. The suburb is not so far from the Nis football stadium. Later on Serbia and other Balkan countries became full of young men grieving at the tyranny of occupation and exploitation by foreigners such as the Turks, the Austrains, and their even worse local allies such as Albanians and Bosnians or Croats and Hungarians. The economy was never up to much except for a very small elite which would often include foreigners such as the British and French in designated zones called capitulations. Financing local strongmen who were willing to resort to violence was on any modern military staff college syllabus. The British had succeeded in most of Asia by arming local militia and empowering some local merchants to collect revenue on their behalf. In the late 1800s dynamite was invented and it saw its use in civil conflict on both sides of the Atlantic. The plot to assasinate Archduke Franz, heir to the Austrian Empire, involved a suicide bombing as well as a shooting. [2] The Austrian response to the bombing was the demand that Serbia dismantle its terrorist infrastructure followed by a successful invasion. OKINAWA During about three months in 1945 the Japanese attacked an American invasion fleet with thousands of planes whose pilots had volunteered for a one way trip. These suicide pilots attacked military targets. They had a ritual drink of wine before setting out on their last mission. Purity of mind and body was important [1]. During the same year the Americans killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese in a large scale bombing campaign including the use of nuclear weapons. The word 'kamikaze' has acquired a broader meaning since 1945. Nowadays 'kamikaze' is used to describe taxi drivers and others who show reckless bahaviour. Not all kamikaze flyers died. Engine failure and bad weather caused many pilots to return with the idea of trying again. SABRES OF PARADISE A recent TV portrait of civil war leader, Oliver Cromwell, told that the leader inspired his troops by promising them a place in Heaven should they die on the battlefield. They went into battle singing the praise of God, just as the Islamic divisions fought in the wadis and deserts of the Hijaz a thousand years before. The pious warriors of the English civil war also terrorized citizens with market place bombing by long range mortar. The rules of war at that time permitted the mass murder of citizens of a town that refused to surrender without a fight. Oliver Cromwell excercised that right (of mass murder) in Ireland. Anglo-Saxon parliamentary institutions owe much to Oliver Cromwell. Many parliamentarians seem too busy organising their own police states to have time to learn any lessons from history. Some of them probably want to rewrite history if they can. WORLD BOMBING ORGANISATION Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are both CIA agents. Yasser Arafat is really a deep cover Zionist agent. Everything is run by a conspiracy of Satanists linked to the 'Skull and Crossbones' Club and similar upper class drinking establishments world wide. There is essentially some sort of secret society with rituals and badges and so on that runs everything. Many people seem to believe all this sort of stuff. Secret societies have been traditional forms of political and nationalistic resistance in mant parts of the world. China and Italy are good examples. Chiang Kai Shek [3] owed his rise to power to his membership of the 'Green Gang', a secret society dedicated to crime and also to restoration of the long defunct Ming dynasty. The merger of organised crime with 'patriotism' has a long history. In reality there is a cartel of arms manufacturers who bid for lucrative government contracts to make the best munitions that money can buy, comissioned by the best politicians that money can buy. These cartels are lubricated by whatever is the most profitable commodity that can be traded. The Opium Age of 1820-1900 faded into the Oil Age of 1900-2005. The new 'Green Gang' is the current Saudi Dynasty. They dress in the green flag of Islam. There is direct competition for leadership of the 'Green Gang'. Some people call the rival Al-Qaeda. RISK TRADING Besides opium and oil, risk is itself a commodity. Capitalism could not exist without collaborative insurance. Economists Tobin and Steiglitz highlight the destructiveness of large scale speculative movements of capitalism. The profits to be made are a temptation for people to organise disasters to boost commodity or share prices. This was done as long ago as the Indian famines of the 1700s. FEEDBACK LOOP Terrorism ends with negotiation. Increasing the stakes just gives a feedback loop where more and more people get killed. The people who negotiate may not actually be active terrorists. Suicide bombers will never be negotiators in the conflict in which they participate. Suicide bombers are usually those who see no hope in negotiations with the enemy. Progressive increase of force combined with the closing of channels for negotiation is a recipe for mass murder. In the case of an asymmetric war with donkey cart mounted mortars against satellite guided missiles the negotiation channels are also asymmetric. One side controls all the TV programs. The other uses hastily assembled and obscure websites. Mass murder itself is sometimes seen as a valid economic option. Governments have made this choice in Germany, Kampuchea, Ruwanda and the Balkans. The Iraqi Baath party made the choice. Algeria has seen mass murder during the 1990s. Mass murder is used as a gamble by the unscrupulous to remain in power. Mass murder may also be used by the powerless who wish to demonstrate that they are not dead. ZERO SUM GAME The success of an attack is measured by the number of deaths and injuries. Suicide bombing is usually done in the most crowded places such as buses and street markets. The attack has immediate success for the agressor, unlike landmine deployment. Terrorism is often based on resource conflicts. A and B compete for the right to exploit C. The tribal leaders of A and B may decide to show their tough stance by killing members of any other group. The group which ends up creating most fear will end up the winner. CHILD TERRORISM Just as politicians go around kissing babies to prove their alliance to the common people so the advocates of terrorism go on to exploit children and images of children. Ulster protestants took up the image of a young boy with clenched fists while the Japanese militarists of the early twentieth century had a poster of a kid with a rifle and bayonet superimposed on the crescent shaped map of Japan. Palestinian shops sold pictures of a baby in a suicide bomber belt. The message is clear. The ideologues of terror wish to take the conflict to the next generation. The leaders deliberately show and imply the empowerment of those who lack negotiation skills. The advertisers hint that the root problem will be inherited by the young. THE LONDON BOMBINGS OF JULY THE SEVENTH Many British were not particularly shocked by the bombings of 7 July 2005. Indeed there were some who wondered why it took so long after the invasion of Iraq for blood to be shed on the streets of London. On 7 July four bombs exploded on the London transport system during the morning rush hour. The bombers targeted trains at Aldwych, Edgeware Road, and Russel square. A bus was blown up in Tavistock Square, near to the London University quarter. Over fifty were killed and more than seven hundred people were injured. Recent revelations indicate that the bombers drove down from Leeds to Luton, and then boarded a train to King's Cross in London. The bombings happened during the meeting of G8 leaders in Scotland. Tony Blair made a speech saying that the bombers must be defeated by imposing democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan. Later that Thursday night a woman from the Leeds area informed the authorities that her son had gone missing. The police followed the lead and by Tuesday the following week the media announced that three of the bombers had been identified, and that they were linked to the crime scene by personal effects found amongst the debris of the explosions. DEMOCRATIC DEFICIT The year 2005 saw some of the least democratic elections in recent British history. One of the major parties was led by a man who echoed Robert Mugabe in his wish to clear 'illegal settlers' from the fields of England's green and pleasant land. Tory leader, Michael Howard, proposed to take Britain out of a European Human Rights convention if that was necessary to evict gypsies from setting up home on land which they had acquired by legal purchase. Robert Mugabe's government simply ordered in bulldozers to trash the squatter communities around Zimbabwe's urban areas. The Zanu-PF operation 'clean up trash' has its echoes amongst many British communities. Many middle class people do not want gypsies in their neighbourhood. A bonfire night parade in Lewes, Sussex, included the torching of a model of a gypsy caravan. Micheal Howard, a Cambridge educated lawyer, believes that people should obey the rules, usually made by parliamentarians such as himself. Michael Howard is also a great advocate of parliament forcing judges to impose prison sentences long enough to satisfy those who kow-tow to the hate filled agenda of the British tabloid press. Blair's New Labour is a party which concentrated on showing how nasty a Howard government could be. Michael Howard seemed to cooperate by throwing away any sympathy he could have got from the rightful claim that he lost many of his relatives during the Nazi inspired massacre of East European Jews. Both major parties set their campaign to please only the owners of property. Those without property were offered only 'rat droppings'. Recent British parliaments have taken the road towards combining executive, legislature, and judiciary in a single small group based on the cabinet and an array of flunkies called political advisors, management consultants, or even lifestyle gurus. In case people did not want to vote Tory or Labour they could vote for Respect, the Greens, the Liberal Democrats or various anti-foreigner parties such as UKIP or the British National Party. Respect managed to get its leader, George Galloway, elected. George Galloway is vilified by the British tabloids. He has been consistent in his opposition to Western imperialism but he is not necessarily a supporter of free speech. Like many labour men he prevaricated when moslems tried to assert political power back in the 1980s by calling for enforcement of blasphemy laws. A crowd of angry moslems in Bradford burned a copy of Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses. Some British moslems recognise that the book burning set back their faith more than 9/11 or 7/7. The only really interesting TV programs to come out of the election campaign came from mosques and Islamic Centers where some brave young muslims were willing to confront the jehadis and the caliphate crowd and talk about the value of voting even in very miserable circumstances. These programs were even more exciting than the images if the Prescott punch-up during the 2001 campaign. My own voting sympathies lie towards support of those who wish for a cosmopolitan or multi-cultural society. The word 'cosmopolitan' was used by the Nazis to single out Jews. The Nazi persecution of Jews was mirrored in the Far East during the Second World War. Tsuji Masanobu [4] wrote a tract telling Japanese soldiers to give no quarter to expatriate Chinese living in South East Asia. He said that ethnic Chinese had no loyalty to the countries in which they lived and so they were agents of British imperialism. Tsuji echoed the mindset which equates lack of patriotism with evil and dirt. The chinese-american historian Iris Chang documented the behaviour of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) in Nanjing. She compared the massacres of the chinese to the attempts of the Nazis to annihilate European Jews. Iris Chang was found dead in her car in late 2004. The stated cause of death was a self inflicted gunshot wound. Our country celebrates the heroism of those who helped us to win the second world war. Chinese sailors crewed ships in the dangerous Atlantic convoys. Somalis fought for British armies in Burma. Indian clerks helped to keep armies in the field in the Middle East. SHANKHILL FISH AND CHIP SHOP BOMBING The capitalist media claim that the West Yorkshire based suicide bombers carried out the first such attacks in Europe. The case of Thomas Begley has not yet been noted. In 1993 there were ten victims of a bomb carried by a youn g IRA volunteer into a Shankhill Road fish and chip shop. There was a meeting of a Ulster Loyalist miltia group in the room above the shop at the time. The Shankill massacre happened, actually, in October 1993. In the middle of that month, the IRA issued a statement saying that it supported what was then known as the Hume/Adams process, and saying that the process could provide the basis for peace. A week later, a young IRA volunteer called Thomas Begley carried a bomb into Frizzell's chip shop on the Shankill Road. When it exploded prematurely, it killed two members of the Frizzell family and eight other people, including a seven-year-old girl who was clutching her mother's hand. Begley was among the dead [5]. Gerry Adams is an elected member of the British parliament. Like most Sinn Fein politicians he has adopted the stand of abstentionism: that is to say that although elected he does not take his seat in Westminster although he draws salary and maintains a political office in London. Gerry Adams helped to carry the coffin of the young Irish martyr at his funeral. Ian Paisley, the foremost spokesman for hardline Ulster protestants was seen to be cheering Tony Blair during recent parliamentry speeches denouncing terrorism. The community that Ian Paisley represents has been victim to random acts of terror. These acts of terror are random because they depend on several events happening concurrently: the availability of explosives, detonater experts, and political will to carry out propaganda by deed. The Shankhill Road bombing was not classified as a suicide bombing but it seems close to the mark. Former British policeman Stalker has been interviewed on television about the similarities between IRA actions and the London bombings. He says the IRA never carried things like credit cards or other forms of ID when on missions. The bombers from Leeds apparently did not care. WHAT EXPLOSIVES DID THE TERRORISTS USE ? Explosives have generally come from the mining and quarry industry. The Derbyshire Peak District sees large detonations happening as a matter of routine in areas such as the Hope Valley and Stoney Middleton. Such commercial explosives are generally called ANFOL, an abbreviation for Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil mixture. This is standard explosive for urban guerillas. There are also wartime explosives such as RDX and PETN which will be familiar to readers of Frederick Forsyth novels. These wartime explosives are generally chosen so that accidental detonation is unlikely. Apparently RDX can withstand hits from small arms fire without detonation. The Madrid bombers apparently got their explosives from the black market which supplied the Spanish mining and quarrying industry. People sold explosives this way just to avoid taxes and beaurocracy. The controlled explosions used on the hire cars in Luton which got linked to the suicide bombers raise questions as to just what the police were worried about. Was the problem in the detonators, fear of booby traps, or the type of explosives used? The British police act to preserve life, but I am sure that they could have found any number of citizen volunteers willing to risk being blown up by going up to the cars and driving them to the local police station to help the forensic team. There are a plenty of ordinary Northern Irish people who have saved lives by carrying bombs out of pubs when necessary. The opposite of the suicide bomber is the person who carries the bomb out of harm. There are many people willing to take these risks. Low paid security guards are not necessarily volunteers for this sort of thing. Fri Jul 15 09:10:53 BST 2005 The police later revealed the explosive as acetone peroxide. Acetone is well known as the base of Chaim Weizman's claim to Israel. Acetone peroxide is so unstable that professional explosives people do not want to touch it. ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES Suicide bombing has become associated with Islamic cults in the popular media. This article tries to show the error of this perception. The Tamil nationalists who blew up Rajiv Gandhi were Hindus. The idea of self sacrifice as a means of getting close to a tyrant in an assassination plot permeates ancient Chinese history. The film 'Hero' is a long melodrama on this theme. Su-ma Chi'en, a chinese historian working over two thousand years ago describes an elaborate plot to gain access to a tyrant. One of the plotters, General Fan, allowed his head to be cut off so that the other two agents, Chin Wu Yang and Ching Ko, could deliver the head to the tyrant and secure close audience with him. In fact the plot failed because at a crucial moment the tyrant's doctor appeared on the scene and hit Ching Ko with his medicine bag. A recent British TV quiz show opposed two teams: writers for 'the Lady' a upmarket magazine, and policemen from Hendon College. Both teams were asked to identify a picture of twin skyscrapers. Both teams failed. The picture showed the Petronas towers of Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia is an Islamic country. It has skyscrapers, a motor industry, and many paying students in British Universities. Hasty anti-terrorist measures are liable to have dire economic consequences. Following the bombings in London there have been one or two well informed discussions on TV. Ziuddin Sardar, a skeptical moslem has appeared on TV. A woman cited a Koranic verse, 5:32. 5:32 is about killing. This and the following verses go on about punishments for inciting mischief against the religion. The punishments are severe. Death, crucifixion, mutilation or exile may all be appropriate. There is also something about saving life. If it's forbidden to kill with certain exceptions, there are no exceptions when it comes to saving life. Saving even one life is good. Carrying the bomb out of the pub will gain merit. The Koran has many negative sounding passages but there are often some redeeming features. THE KORAN AND THE WASHINGTON BELTWAY I have a Koran on the table. The cover says that it comes complements of the Al Raji Company for Commerce and Industry. The publisher is the Amana Corporation, of Maryland. The English commentary and translation is by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The translator is well versed in English literature. Unfortunately in my opinion the English literature base on which the translator draws is part of the culture of the times, starting with Shakespear. Too many great writers are associated with nationalism. Many men of letters supported imperialism and empire building. The Irish poet Yeats praised the Irish uprising of Easter 1916. There has been much debate in Irish circles about the possible drawbacks of national myth style literature. The Al Rajih Company is famous for moving money around the world outside the common banking system. Like many other channels for money transfer the company charges less commission than the banks. After 9/11 the authorities said that they would target this sort of money movement but of course little really happened. Not everyone has a Koran with parallel translation. However these books have been around since the beginning of European capitalism. The Dutch were amongst the earliest. Diplomats who knew the Koran could well negociate with the enemies of the enemies of the Netherlands, such as the Turks. In the 1980s getting the Koran into Soviet Asia was one of the themes of the Cold War. Ehsan Masood, writing for the Guardian states that the BNP's Nick Griffin shows more knowledge of the Koran than some muslims. This seems terrible, and yet there are supposed to be those who recite the book without knowing its meaning. There are also well documented threats from moslems to those that call for fresh thinking on the translations. Taslima Nasreen of Bangladesh and Ayeen Hirsi Ali of the Netherlands have suffered life threatening actions from men who call themselves devout moslems. The Koranic schools of Pakistan have been funded by Saudi Arabia, some of whose rulers were encouraged to use Islam as a weapon in the cold war. The teaching encourages inward looking thought, and also conspiracy theories. In the Koran much is made of the transgressions of the Jews. Few moslems would dare to make a film about an issue such as the Battle of the Ditches, with dramatisation based on a contemporary issue such as the ditch and wall systems used to divide parts of Israel and Palestine. It's quite likely that authorities world wide would want to suppress such a dramatisation. Worst of all is a mixture of imperialist ideology and efforts to reconstruct some sort of caliphate. The British dished out caliphates to many when they could. To each believer, his caliphate. they said to the then rulers of Malaya. A religious based on harsh punishments is straight out of Michiavelli: is it better for a ruler to be loved or to be feared ? The rhetorical answer is that it is better to be feared. All of this was known before the Koran. I have personally looked at Islamic newsgroups back in the early 1990s. I used to contribute to alt.religion.islam and soc.culture.arabic newsgroups. I have also been on some islamic listservers with automatic email deliveries. The first lot came from an American university. Many of the postings asked for funding to support those oppressed by struggle. Chechenya and Kashmir were both grievences. In the days of the commercial internet and html tags embedded in the email you can fund jihad with about three mouse clicks of the mouse. Right back in the 1980s there were reservations about allowing just anything to be sent in email, and especially run time scripts. Commercial lobbies ruled. If you get email with interpreted URL tags, then anyone is three clicks from sponsoring a terrorist. You just have to get on an email list once. Of course there are Islamic groups which go for open discussion. They maybe dating agencies or job search bureaux. There are many moslems that never go to the mosque. There is a verse in the Koran which says that there should be no compulsion to partake in any religion. One of my own photos has appeared on a weblog about beautiful sights of the Najd. There is a great difference between open discussion and trading insults. The downside of the Internet is that hateful speech is common enough even in mundane discussions where some political principal is at stake. When it comes to current affairs some Americans appear to want Iraq and Afghanistan to be reduced to craters excavated by nuclear bombs. References. [1] Albert Axell & Hideki Kase Kamikaze. Japan's Suicide Gods. Pearson Education, 2002. [2] Misha Glennie, The Balkans. [3] Sterling Seagrave. The Soong Dynasty. [4] Tsuji Masanubo Japan's Greatest victory: Britain's Greatest Defeat. The fall of Singapore, 1942. [5] j=59753443672&p=597534438z4&n=59753443865 [6] Ehsan Masood. Throw the book at Osama. Guardian 15/July 2005