UNIX shell
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If you plan on owning a computer with linux installed it is
useful to know how to control programs via a command line interface,
called the 'shell' on UNIX systems.
If you don't like the world, change it !
Knowledge of the shell allows you to make simple changes quickly.
With a logged in console it is possible to kill programs which appear
to freeze the screen.
Using the shell gives a record of the things you have done. This
is useful in remembering changes made to your files. Typing commands
is often faster than navigating through many different screens. If
the windowing system is not correctly tuned it may be impossible
to configure the screens to do drag and drop copy. Changing file
permissions for dozens of files may be another problem. Use of a
single command may save you from navigating dozens of screens.
Many system administration commands were designed for people
who worked at terminals with no GUI. Many of these have been adapted to
the different windowing systems (GNOME, KDE etc) by means of wrappers.
An icon on the desktop has a properties menu, and with this it is
possible to navigate the different subwindows to a command line option.
These commands are run by the shell interpretor.
Scripting tools are better suited for communicating ideas
about improving the computer interface than drawings of screens and
windows. A script is a one dimensional representation of ideas
which may manipulate data with multiple dimensions. Many thick
computer books have a low information content because of the large
number of screen diagrams. Moving towards using command lines is
like changing your habits to improve sustainability.
By keeping track of useful commands that you used you can build
your own resources for more efficient use of the computer.
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[1] Don't use complicated regular expressions in scripts. If the
script does not work it is almost impossible to debug.
[2] Don't try to put any sort of intereactive user interface in a
shell script. A GUI is better. Scripts may be adjusted to have options
and a usage message. The user should learn the interface by reading the
documentation rather than by trying to navigate a user interface by
filling in forms. There are methods for reading user within scripts,
but these methods have changed thousands of times over the last few
years to meet the demands of globalisation and foreign language
[3] Don't try to use 'if' statements, 'for' statements or any other
types of control statements in your script. Just write single commands
on separate lines to be performed sequentially.
[4] Don't use the 'cd' command to visit every directory where you may
want to look at a file. Use the command line short cut of for
file name completion to build up long pathnames.
[5] Don't be afraid to save long output to temporary files. Although
utilities such as 'more' and 'less' allow you to scroll through data,
saving data to a temporary file is the first step towards recycling
this data as a script. It is very easy to generate scripts to work on
lists of files with a text editor such as 'vi'.
[6] Don't waste time. If you work out some complicated expression
which does what you want, pipe the history list to a file and save that
expression in a file with a name that you can remember. Build up your
own resources as you go.
Don't even listen to people that say scripting is easy.
[7] Don't write scripts which modify themselves.
[8] Don't write malicious scripts.
[9] Don't try to learn everything at once.
[10] Don't expect a script to work first time.
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alias Enquire or set alias
awk Deal with tabular data
cat file* concatenate file
cd dir change working directory
chmod opts file* Change attributes and permissions
cp src* dst copy source files to destination
diff Difference between files.
display file* Display images
file file* List possible type/origin of files.
find node types find files from node matching types.
ftp host file transfer protocol
gcc GNU C Compiler (System build tool)
grep string file* find lines containing string in files
gzip file* compress files
history Command history
host str DNS lookup utility
kill N end task number N
less file Look at file
ls {dir..} list files in directories
ln {options} link files
lp file* print files
make Update series of dependent files
man topic Online help on topic
mdir floppy disk directory
mcopy floppy disk copy
more file Scroll through file or stdin
mount mount filesystems
od Look at non ascii file
ping host test connection with host
ps process status.
pwd print working directory
rxvt Open a console on X windows.
sed Batch stream editor
strings file Look at ASCII strings in a file
su {name} Swap user to root, or given name
tar opts dst file* bundle or unbundle files.
telnet host intereactive connection to another computer
touch file* Change timestamps of files
vi file* edit files. ':n' in vi gives next file
wc file* Word count files
wget options download web pages or ftp server files
xset options X-windows behaviour
xterm Set up X-terminal
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Unix programs have a standard input and a standard output.
There is also a standard error output.
Programs work on symbol strings.
The set of symbol strings S and the set of all possible programs P
are both semigroups. A program can be represented as a partial function
f:S->S. A partial function from S is a function which given an input a
in S will either give an output f(a) in S or else some sort of result
to indicate that a correct output cannot be defined. On push button
calculators such functions as reciprocal (1/x) or square root are good
examples of partial functions.
A semigroup S has law of composition: given any two elements a,b
there is a product ab. The law of composition is associative: (ab)c =
a(cb). A semigroup has an identity if there exists an element such that
ea=ae for all a in S.
The set of symbol strings S may be made into a semigroup by the
operation of concatenation. If a and b are strings then ab is the
string consisting of symbols of a followed by the symbols of b. The
empty string is the identity element.
A semigroup may have subsets which are also semigroups. A semigroup
may be defined by a set of generators so that every element of the
subset is a compostion of members of the generator set.A 'regular
expression' is meant to be a concise notation for a (possibly infinite)
list of generators. 'a.*' could represent all strings starting with a.
'regular expressions' are often used as 'filters' hopefully to seperate
sense from nonsense.
Note: in UNIX shell language these laws of composition are realised
with the functions 'cat' and 'touch'. 'cat a b > c' creates a new file
c which is the symbols of a followed by those of b. 'touch e' will
either create a new zero length file, or update the timestamp of an
existing file.
Partial functions from a domain S to a range S can be made into a
semigroup by mapping composition. If f:S->S and g:S->S are two
functions, fg(a)=f(g(a)). First apply g,then apply f. There is an
identity function i:S->S such that i(x)=x for all x in S. Do nothing!
The fact that both programs and strings form semigroups is no
surprise. The concept of a Von Neumann machine is a machine where both
programs and data are stored in different parts of the same memory.
The UNIX operating system was developed by people who knew all about
semigroups and sets of functions. Most computer related jobs are
tedious, boring, repetitive, and all too often stressful. Although many
of the inventors of UNIX went to 'Ivy League' colleges such as those
shown in biopic 'A Beautiful Mind' their objectives were the same as
those pioneers who tried to make the Industrial Revolution less tedious
by inventing devices such as the 'Scoggin' or the 'Cotton Gin'.
Von Neumann machines were OK, but programming was incredibly tedious
and it often involved setting up switches to represent a series of
binary numbers. With UNIX you just use a text editor to create a string
of symbols with spaces and newlines to improve readability, and then
you can convert that string to a program which really enhances the
functionality of the computer. The text editor is usually designed for
people who can't type particularly fast. Long words are abbreviated to
one or two letters. UNIX was produced with no design input from
accountants, lawyers or salesmen.
In UNIX symbol strings are stored as files, with filenames.
The formal description of programs and strings as semigroups may
appear tedious, but this formalism had a long history. When Babbage and
Ada Lovelace set about the first theoretical computations in the early
1800s they were thinking about evaluating certain values of the
mysterious Zeta function in order to impress potential commercial
backers. The Bernouilli numbers are values Zeta[2*n] divided by even
powers of pi. Of course everyone knows that Babbage never got enough
commercial backing to finish the project. Babbage and later Bool were
interested in the formalism of function composition. By the early 1900s
Bertrand Russel and others were working on systems wherby all
mathematical proofs could be written as symbol strings. By the 1930s
Kurt Godel and Alan Turing produced important theoretical proofs on the
limitations of these formal systems. Godel proved that mathematics
could not be made consistent without forever having to add new axioms;
Turing proved that there were uncomputeable functions. The people who
designed UNIX knew most of this stuff even if the salesmen had never
heard of it.
The UNIX shell is designed for people who can't type, and it is also
best to have an American style keyboard layout. If you want to combine
programs in the form of function composition, with a program f taking
the output of a program g, then you need to type 'g|f' rather than just
'f g'. The vertical bar character is essential. If you want to run two
programs f and g succession you just type 'f ; g '. The names of the
programs are separated by a semicolon (;).
UNIX was invented at AT&T's Bell Research Laboratories in New
Jersey, quite close to Princeton University. Most of the people
involved wanted to use the computers in interesting theoretical
projects such as enumerating points on elliptic curves or computing the
zeros of the Zeta function. Industry and public utilities provided
other interesting problems such as the optimisation of transport and
telephone networks, the scheduling of meetings, or the smart management
of a planned economy. The brutal management of planned economies was
already well established.
UNIX was designed to be fault tolerant. Logical paradoxes or poor
design features could be tolerated through use of the standard error
output. In the age of windowing systems you can always see the spurious
errors turned up byy media players or web browsers by running the from
a command line. Writing programs is a sort of 'hands on' experience of
mathematical logic.
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The UNIX shell allows people to add value to the product by turning
symbol strings into programs. Just write the program into a file 'x'
and then type a command such as 'chmod a+rx x'. Invoke the program by
just typing 'x', or if that does not work try typing './x'. Naturally
not every symbol string will result in a working program, but the UNIX
shell will still try and run any file as a program if requested. Just
try running an empty file created by 'touch' and made runneable by
'chmod'. No problem.
Many of the early functions in the UNIX shell were oriented towards
creating programs and instruction manuals. Explanations were provided
in an online manual, invoked with the 'man' command. One of the first
tasks of the UNIX development team was the writing of the UNIX
operating system in a high level language, C.
The lines of a program, or commands typed by the user are subject to
lexical analysis. Characters in the symbol set are divided into classes
such as alphabetic characters, digits, spaces and tabs, non printeable
control codes and characters with a special meaning. In the UNIX shell
the following characters have a special meaning:-
' ' blank. Separate words (functions).
'>' redirects standard output to a file.
'<' take input from a file
'$' substitute from variable name
';' sequence programs
'(' start sub-shell.
')' end subshell
'&' run preceding command in background.
',' general sequencing operation
'*' Wildcard character
'#' take following text as a comment.
'?' Possible wildcard, or URL invocation character.
'\' Escape character.
'/' Filename separator.
Other special characters include the three types of quote symbol
('"`). The meaning of a character often depends on its position in a
string. For example 2>&1 redirects standard error to the standard
Excercise: Modify the attributes of an HTML file and then invoke it
as a shell script. Are there any precautions you should take before
doing this ?
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The syntax of a UNIX command reflects the function and paramater
notation of mathematics. The first word of a command line is either a
program or built in function. The second and subsequent words are
paramaters which may be options or file names.
Example: ls path-name
ls lists files on the specified path. The pathname is omitted, then
list files in the current directory. There are various options such as
-1 for a simple tabular listing or -l for a long and verbose listing.
ls $HOME will give the files in your home directory.
Options to a program often control the amount of output. If you want
to use the output of one program as input to another it is best to use
a minimal output option.
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In UNIX 'globbing' means the expansion of file or path names
containing special characters. The most important of these is '*' which
stands for any possible string (within limitations). This feature is
most often useful when files have systematic names. Some sort of
'globbing' was a feature of operating systems which preceded UNIX. One
of the first stages of command line analysis is to scan a line for
words containing the '*' symbol, and to replace each of these words
with a blank separated list of file names. You can try typing the line
'a=*; echo $a' to see the effect. What you see is not necessarily what
you get !
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Q. ascii integer conversion in shell
A. This is done by 'soft coercion'. A string remains a string until
the context of the expression indicates an arithmetic operation is
required. To get this context use square brackets. If 'soft coercion'
reminds you of stories about Guantanomo Bay or whatever then remember
[...] as the prison boundary and that most things inside get 'soft
coerced'. To get the real value do not forget the dollar sign. $[2+3]
gives 5.
Q. how to multiply two numbers in shell scripting and
get a float data type?
A. Don't waste time.
Q. how to divide 2 float value in shell script in unix?
A. Don't waste time.
Q. how to use decimal fraction in shell script ?
A. Don't waste time. Of course you can use a shell script to pass
strings between numeric calculator engines. UNIX started off with
engines such as 'awk', 'dc' or desk calculator, and 'bc' which was a
more friendly version of dc. Nowadays awk is the most common
calculation engine used in scripts.
Q. sed join two lines ?
A. Use ':j' as command line.
Q. sed [ ^J] tab ?
A. ^I is the tab character.
Q. Shell script numerical comma ?
A. Programmers should add/remove commas as required using their own
functions wherever necessary.
Q. shell script read next line ?
A. use the built in command 'read'. 'read x' would read the next
line into the string variable 'x'.
Q. unix command line passing paramaters ?
Q. shell scripting input paramaters variables ?
A. Input paramaters are generally called 0,1,2,3 etc. To get the
value of a variable put the $ in front of its name. $0 is normally the
name of the script or program, as invoked. It is possible for the same
script to test for different values of $0. Use the 'ln' or 'cp' command
to create soft links which correspond to the different names.
Q. unix arrows A B C D ?
A. UNIX terminal emulators use ANSI escape sequences to encode
cursor movement on a video screen. These take the form ESC [ {number}
{A|B|C|D} where the number indicates the steps to move, and
A=North(Up), B=South(down), C=East(Right) D=West(Left).
Q. UNIX sed global subs ?
A. Try s/str1/str2/g
Q. unix subscripting ?
A. Use square brackets: name[index]=value. Note that square brackets
are also used for 'soft coercions'. This is an example of 'overloading'
where a word or symbol has many different meanings depending on the
context. It is easy to make mistakes when a scripting language makes
great (primiscuous ?) use of this feature.
Q. Why are manual pages so verbose and opaque ?
A. Linux and UNIX have grown over the years. Many new options have
been added to standard UNIX functions. The different functions are
written by many different people who want to see UNIX/Linux a system
for the third millenium.
The manual pages for the 'bash' shell conmprise over four thousand
lines of text. These describe shell invocation, command substitution
and built in commands. To understand the commonly seen scripts which
use 'awk' and 'sed' it is necessary to read the man pages for these two
Q. I don't have much time. Why should is spend so much time learning
about so many different shell commands ?
A. The 'shell' was designed to speed up the user's intereaction with
the computer. This is especially true for people who can't type very
fast. A pipeline is a series of programs connected by vertical bars:
a|b|c... . A pipeline invokes the first program and passes the output
to the second program and so on. Pipelining makes it easy to combine
several functions to fulfil a complex data processing task.
It is easy to save and run canned scripts, so that it is usually
uneccessary to type repeated commands. Just write the commands in a
file and give the file the 'x' attribute. You can the recall all of
these commands by typing the file name.
A. What is the PATH variable ?
Q. When someone types a command the shell interpretor usually
performs a dictionary lookup on the first word of the command. This is
done in several stages: first the word is checked against the table of
reserved words defined as part of the shell language. There are only a
couple of dozen of these. If no match is found, the interpretor
attempts to match the word with the name of a program which the user is
allowed to run. This involves a search of specified directories where a
user may expect to find programs or scripts. As systems grow, so the
places where programs are to be found become more diverse. To see the
directories scanned type the command 'echo $PATH'.
Q. Why is the command interface called the Shell ?
A. I don't really know why, but for some reason the program which
runs from machine startup is often called the kernel. In the distant
past some salesman or promoter must have drawn a series of concentric
circles to describe layers of software complexity. The drawing could
represent a nut. Dante's Inferno also comes to mind, with concentric
layers of Hell. Nowadays the situation has changed and windows usually
obscures this layer completely.
Q. Why are there different shells such as sh, bash, csh, and ksh ?
A. Bourne worked on the first version of the UNIX shell at AT&T. The
bash is the Bourne Shell. C-sh is the C-shell which was common on Sun
workstations. 'ksh' is the Korne shell. 'sh' is meant to be a common
reliable version which can be used in startup scripts.
Q. What is the Linux Console ?
A. When the windows freeze over, a Linux user should be able to
press Control-Alt-Fn and get a login prompt on an ASCII screen. It is
good practice when embarking on some operations to make sure that a
logged in consol is available so that you can stop run away programs
with 'kill'. It is also possible to search the process list with the
'ps' command and look for unresponding programs, or undead programs
called 'zombies'. You then can try the 'kill' command with an
appropriate program number. You will find that some programs are very
hard to kill and you may need to send a whole lot of signals to a
process before it finally quits.
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Look at the manual pges for some of the commands. Study the manual
pages for 'bash'.
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a = `find /home/user -name '*.jpg'`
display -delay 100 $a
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# Use of random number generator
# Pick $2 numbers from 1 .. $1
# Default to UK National lottery selection
function shuffle()
# randomly permute elements of a list
awk 'BEGIN {RS=" "; srand()} {printf "%8.6f%s\n", rand(), $0}' | \
sort -n | \
awk '{print substr($0, 9)}'
if [ $# = 0 ]; then
echo Lottery selection by $URL
elif [ $# = 1 ]; then
echo usage: $0 n m
echo pick n numbers from m choices at random without replacement
exit 0
echo $n from $m
if [ $n -gt $m ]; then
echo domain error
exit 0
while [ $i -lt $m ]; do
i=$[ $i + 1 ]
a="$a $i"
c=`echo $a | shuffle `
echo $c | awk -v n=$n 'BEGIN {RS=" ";ORS=" "} NR<=n {print}'
echo " "
exit 0
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